Click here to read about how the HASS model of community sheltering has been grossly detrimental to animal welfare in Memphis and several other major cities across the country.
“Multi-million dollar nonprofit organizations are granting money to tax-funded shelters in an effort to further implement the HASS model of community sheltering. The HASS model negatively affects the poorest communities by limiting intake in several ways, including leaving strays to roam and multiply, refusing owner or stray surrenders, and choosing to not address neglect cases to avoid intake.”
Suzy Hollenbach, Founder and DIrector, All 4s Rescue League
Some major cities, like El Paso Texas and have expelled the organizations that have tried to replace animal control/shelters with the HASS model of community sheltering.
How can you help the underdogs in your area?
If you see something, say something!
If you see a pet in need, contact your local authorities. If you aren’t sure who to talk to, or don’t have animal control, start with your local police or sheriff’s department.
Volunteer with a reputable rescue and help share information about resources that are available to people who need help with their pets. Share on neighborhood social media sites, distribute flyers to neighborhood community centers, veterinary offices and businesses, and encourage dialogue with community leaders to get the word out.